March 2025 Updates

I totally forgot this website existed, and for that I am very sorry. I want to say thank you to our supporter on Patreon werdwerdus for reminding me about this site, and for pointing out that the last update is from June of last year. A lot has happened since, and it’s worth briefly going over it.

First, Free Talk Cast is doing great, growing, and improving. Early on, we had some issues with SSL certificates and other things that were causing problems, so it was a bumpy start, but things have been going steadily for many months now. At episode 21 we added a video element to the show, and began uploading our videos to our new LRN Youtube channel. We’d love it if you’d head there and subscribe. I’m not very good at promoting stuff, so it isn’t growing very well. You should also follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date, although a transition to BlueSky in the near future is very likely. Unfortunately, we aren’t very active on Mastodon.

More recently, we finally launched our Odysee channel! Please subscribe to us there to stay up-to-date on our content, as we’re more interesting in growing on Odysee than we are on Youtube.

We also have recently created a new Discord server! You may remember we had one of these back in the day, but a certain upset person got it nuked. To avoid that, we will be taking a more heavy hand with moderation this time around–plus, I have to be honest. I don’t have any desire to deal with Nazis, trolls, racists, and transphobes. I don’t need it in my life, and I see no reason I should allow such people in my vicinity. Such people will get kicked and banned from our Discord server.

We are launching a new show on May 12 that is called Liberty Live! We currently have two teams of people creating things necessary to make that show what I picture in my head, and I’m really looking forward to bringing this to you. At present, we intend it to be 90 minutes long, from 7p to 8:30p EST, but that may change a little in each direction. I’m really looking forward to this.

Obviously, we still have our Patreon going, and if you want to, you can join us there. Doing so gets you access to some behind-the-scenes content, clips of videos while we’re working on them, early access to other things, and special access to our Discord server.

I’ve had new logos created for, and I’m really happy with them. The people I hired did a fantastic job.

Ian Freeman

Last year, I filed a motion to be allowed to have contact with Ian Freeman, who is currently being held at FMC Devens in Massachusetts. My motion was granted by the court at the end of last year, and we have since been waiting for the prison to decide whether I will be allowed to have contact with Ian Freeman. Unfortunately, the order was in no way aimed at the Bureau of Prisons, and was limited in what it could do; the order merely gave me legal permission to have contact with him, without violating the terms of my supervised release. The order did not, and could not have, mandated the BOP allow the contact.

I miss my friend dearly. He had an appeal last month that was promising, but this level of court is very conservative and very pro-police, so I don’t expect him to win the appeal at this point. But this is Ian, and he will fight all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court if he has to. Unfortunately, that is what I and his attorney expect to happen. He is fighting to be released pending the appeal, but this also seems unlikely. I miss him. We all miss him. I want to be able to talk to him again.

You, however, can talk to him. You can write him at:

Ian Freeman 34755-509
FMC Devens
P.O. Box 879
Ayer, MA 01432

Please do so.